23 March 2021


First female Governor of Victoria receives Philippine Consul General

The Governor of Victoria, The Honorable Linda Marion Dessau AC, expressed admiration for the Filipino Community for their ability to assimilate and adjust to the Australian way of life. “It must be their facility of the English language and also their overall confidence,” she said during the official call of Consul General Maria Lourdes Salcedo on 22 March 2021.

The first female and first Jewish holder of the office, the 29th Governor was appointed by the Queen of England on 1 July 2015. She has the power to dissolve the State Parliament and call an election in the event of a vote of no-confidence in the Government. A jurist, barrister and mother to two sons, the Governor is married to Anthony Howard, a former County Court Judge.

During the call, the Governor expressed great interest on family, migrant communities, women’s issues and COVID situation. She is also said to be a great supporter of small businesses and football.

“COVID had changed and still is changing the way we do things,” she commented while acknowledging that Australia is indeed fortunate to have managed the health crisis quite well.

Consul General Salcedo conveyed her thanks to Australia for hosting Filipino migrants, the fifth largest migrant community in the country, and allowing them to shine and contribute to the Australian society. She told the Governor that this year marks the 75th anniversary of Philippines-Australia friendly relations. END

Making sure she keeps a safe distance, Victoria Governor Linda Dessau pose with Consul General Maria Lourdes Salcedo for a photo at the grand staircase of the Government House built in 1871-1876. At right, a gallery of portraits of past Governors at the waiting area of the official residence of the Governor.






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