27 January 2021


Resilience of Filipino Students Surfaces at the 8th IRFP



Consul General Maria Lourdes Salcedo rallies postgraduate students in Victoria, Tasmania and South Australia to focus on making their research applicable to current times at the 8th International Research Forum on the Philippines (IRFP) held virtually on 26-27 January 2021. “Education is very close to my heart… I call it the great equalizer. Scholarship is also a tool in promoting national interests,” she said.

Co-organised by postgraduate students in Melbourne, in partnership with the Filipino-Australian Student Council of Victoria (FASTCOVic), it was an avenue for Filipino scholars to critically discuss and explore the relationship of research and scholarly work to the objects and situations that shape the challenges of our times with its theme “The Filipino Scholar in Virulent Times.”

Other resource speakers were Prof. Patricia Arinto of UP Open Unversity, Prof Jazmin Llana of De La Salle University, Dr. Ilderlisa Mateo-Babiano of The University of Melbourne, Dr. Joseito Quirino of the Unversity of Tasmania, Dr. David Turner of Monash University and Dr. Joan Narcisiomof ETH Zurich.END







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